The Pictures Band (Texas Cover Band), The Premiere Cover and Variety Band for All Occasions! Want to make your occasion more special? Why not add some music to spice up the party? Enjoy the party because The Pictures Band can play the right music to create excitement and bring life to every party! The Pictures Band is based in Austin, Texas and specializes in a variety of cover songs starting from the 50's up to the 90's, plus... Top 40, Disco songs, funk and country songs. The Pictures Band currently travels all over the state of Texas to places like Dallas, Austin, Houston, San Antonio, Corpus Christi, and Tyler, just to name a few. The Pictures Band is one of the top party bands in Texas and the Southwest, performing for a variety of events, including weddings, corporate conventions, and parties of any kind. We perform mostly in the places of Texas. We always bring the best in every performance to meet your high expectations!
For Booking, call Music Garden today at 800-689-BAND(2263) or email by clicking on the "request more information" tab on this page.
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